Elixir: Containerized development environment

  • Dmitry Rubinstein
  • 30 May 2019
  • Comments


Containerizing development environment seems to be good for several reasons:

  • Development can be held on any host - Linux and Windows - in the same manner
  • Environment is shipped as ready-to-work bundle: all needed OS-packages, compilers, tools are pre-installed
  • Additional third-party software, including databases, message-brokers, proxies, caches, and side-services can be bootstrapped in an automated manner in seconds.

This article will dive into creating simple development environment using Docker Compose (and optional - VSCode Remote Tools)

Demo task

As a simple showcase, we’ll try to containerize the environment for scaffolded Phoenix application.

It’s a good start because we’ll:

  • we’ll make a special container to development purposes, which will hold Elixir runtime
  • we’ll make a separate container for our database, and configure the connection between containers
  • use VSCode and Docker-Compose in order to orchestrate and easy-access containerized development environment.

We’ll scaffold the project with easy next in the article


NOTE: VSCode Remote requires VSCode Insiders installation. You can skip the section if you already have docker-compose and code-insiders installed, and you are sure with your Elixir skills.


Docker-compose ships with docker package. You can follow official instructions in order to install docker-ce, which will contain everything that we need.


While VSCode Remote is in early-access now, this extension requires VSCode Insiders installation. You can have both VSCode and VSCode Insider on the same machine. Install it using these instructions. We’ll call it from the command line like this:

$ code-insiders 

and will continue calling VSCode with:

$ code

Elixir runtime

For sure, you have already installed Elixir on the host. If not - you can read here how to do it. We’ll need to have the Phoenix installation completed also. Follow these instructions to do it.

Creating an application

We don’t want to spend a lot of time on coding (only for this article, of course), so we will make empty Phoenix application.

$ mix phx.new vscode_remote

You can resolve the dependencies now, or do it in our future container.


Let’s start with the simplest idea:

We need to containerize our PostgreSQL instance, in order to not mess different databases from a different project on one local PostgreSQL instance

To do this, we’ll create a simple DockerCompose configuration file with only one service: our DB:

NOTE: You can read the reference to the docker-compose here

The file will be put in the project’s root, for simplicity:

# ./docker-compose.yml

version: '3.7'

    image: postgres:11.3-alpine
    container_name: vscode_remote_postgres
    restart: always

This config is simple, but we’ll add some tweaks to beautify the solution.

Access from the host

It can be useful to connect from the host to our new DB instance. For example, we can use different GUI tools, like PgAdmin or any others ( no advertising here:) ).

So, we need to map the ports of our container to the host.

Our first solution can be implemented like:

      - 5432:5432

but it has some problems.

For example, our host can have it’s own PostgreSQL instance, which is already running on 5432 port.

Thus, let’s remap the port to resolve conflicts:

      - 15432:5432

Now, we can access both HOST and CONTAINERIZED instance of PostgreSQL

The resulting config will be:

# ./docker-compose.yml

version: '3.7'

    image: postgres:11.3-alpine
    container_name: vscode_remote_postgres
    restart: always
      - 15432:5432


Another great tweak will be cache data(in other words content of the DB) across container lifetime. In this case, we can freely destroy containers and create them again, but the data, we are using during development will be persistent.

Fairly saying, we using migrations and seeds (or at least - MUST use them), in order to immediate bootstrap development data in the case that something went wrong. But, we still can use both mechanisms here.

Volumes is a great instrument to do this.

PostgreSQL stores its data and config inside the single folder, and we’ll map it to host in order to persist it.

  - ./docker/data/postgres:/var/lib/postgres/data

We’ll map volume inside:

  • docker folder, so we can remove all containerizing at once
  • data folder, so all containers information (Dockerfile’s, etc.) will not be touched if we want to ERASE ALL DATA
  • postgres folder, so we can use separate data folders for other services (for example elasticsearch)

The resulting config will be:

# ./docker-compose.yml

version: '3.7'

    image: postgres:11.3-alpine
    container_name: vscode_remote_postgres
    restart: always
      - 15432:5432
      - ./docker/data/postgres:/var/lib/postgres/data

Also, we don’t want all this data to go inside our repository, so we need to modify our .gitignore a bit.

# .gitignore


docker/data # so we still tracking all Docker's info except data


Now, we already can use this configuration for containerized development!

We’ll run the software on the host machine but connect to the database inside the container.

Let’s build environment with:

$ docker-compose up -d

-d flag here starts the environment in detached mode.

You can now notice, that ./docker/data/postgres folder is created. All PostgreSQL data cache will be stored there.

Now, we need to rewrite default Phoenix config (in Ecto section), to navigate these libs connect to the docker container.

Let’s change ./config/dev.exs in root folder:

# ./config/dev.exs

config :vscode_remote, VscodeRemote.Repo,
  username: "postgres", # check user - "postgres" is default for the container
  password: "postgres", # check pass - "postgres" is default for the container
  database: "vscode_remote_dev",
  hostname: "localhost",
  port: 15432, # we are adding this line only
  show_sensitive_data_on_connection_error: true,
  pool_size: 10



$ mix ecto.create
$ mix ecto.migrate

in order to ensure that everything works as expected.

Application container

Next idea is:

Let’s create container to store all our development environment: Elixir and Erlang installations, git, etc.

This case will differ a bit from previous: we’ll create our own Dockerfile, so we’ll have better control of what is going inside the container.

Composing again

First, let’s define new service inside docker-compose.yml

    context: ./docker/dev
    dockerfile: Dockerfile
  container_name: vscode_remote_app

Here we are not specifying image, either we are specifying the build section. We are telling DockerCompose to build a new container from Dockerfile, that is located inside ./docker/dev folder. All the details about the container will be specified there.

Now, again, some tweaks.

Mapping the port

We again need to map a port - but now HTTP Server’s port, in order to view running a web application with a browser of our host.

  - 4000:4000

Now, when we’ll navigate the browser to http://localhost:4000, it’ll eventually hit the web server inside container.


It’s a good idea to add container dependencies list to this container, to ensure that app will be started ONLY after them. For now, it’s only postgres, but in the future, it can be something else.

  - postgres

Adding volumes

We’ll add several volumes so the starting instance will contain everything we need to work.

  - .:/workspace
  - ~/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig
  - ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh

Firstly, we map our project’s folder inside the workspace dir in the container. So, the project will be there, when we’ll start to work. Every change in the files will be propagated to and from the container.

Secondly, we need to map our git configuration: nobody wants to write git username and git email every time when container rebuilds.

Thirdly, we are mapping the ssh configuration, thus we can use RSA keys for remote access to our servers and repositories directly from the container!

Starting command

We don’t need that something will work inside our container - it’s used ONLY for development proposes. So, we are creating a simple stub task, that will not let container die, but the development process will be performed with executing bash shell on a running container.

command: sleep infinity

The resulting config will be:

version: '3.7'

    image: postgres:11.3-alpine
    container_name: vscode_remote_postgres
    restart: always
      - 15432:5432
      - ./docker/data/postgres:/var/lib/postgres/data
      context: ./docker/dev
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
    container_name: vscode_remote_app
      - 4000:4000
      - .:/workspace
      - ~/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig
      - ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh
    command: sleep infinity
      - postgres

Now, let’s move on and create Dockerfile for the image!

Dockerfile entrails

First, we need to understand, what do we basically need from the environment:

  • Elixir runtime and Erlang runtime
  • NodeJS (to use webpack, as Phoenix uses it by default)
  • Yarn (this step is optionally, but I suggest to use Yarn for development purposes)

You can read Dockerfile reference here to better understand what we are doing.

A good start - is a way to success! One can use official Elixir’s image as a good start.

FROM FROM elixir:1.8.1

The image is based on Ubuntu, so it seems that most packages are already installed. We just need to add NodeJS and Yarn:

RUN curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | bash - \
    && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y nodejs \
    && rm -rf /var/cache/apt \
    && npm install -g yarn

That’s it! BUT Let’s also add some tweaks.

Language specification

iex shell requires UTF-8 shell encoding to work properly. Unfortunately, it’s not defined in our default container (probably because it’s not expected to be used as a development machine). Let’s do it by ourselves.

Firstly, locales package should be installed, this can be done via apt Secondly, some environment variables should be specified

RUN apt-get install -y locales
RUN sed -i -e 's/# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/locale.gen
RUN locale-gen


NodeJS (and not only) native extensions requirements

Both NodeJS (more) and Elixir (less) use packages with native code - generally in C/C++ with some bindings to the platform.

The container should know how to build them - so we need to add some more packages via apt

RUN apt-get install -y gcc g++ make


It’s a good idea to install local copies of Mix and Rebar because we can’t develop without them.

RUN  mix local.hex --force && mix local.rebar --force


The last great piece of Phoenix development - inotify-tools. Phoenix utilizes this package in order to track changed files and perform hot-code-reloading during development. Installation via apt

RUN apt-get install -y inotify-tools

The resulting file will be:

FROM elixir:1.8.1


RUN curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | bash - \
    && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y nodejs locales inotify-tools gcc g++ make \
    && rm -rf /var/cache/apt \
    && npm install -g yarn \
    && mix local.hex --force \
    && mix local.rebar --force \
    && sed -i -e 's/# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/locale.gen \
    && locale-gen

Running the household

We already know how to start the compose - with:

$ docker-compose up -d

Now, containers are up, and we can get inside our application container to start working:

$ docker exec -it -w /workspace vscode_remote_app /bin/bash


We are inside our container’s shell, with all the software we need for the development process:

$ elixir -v
$ erl -version
$ mix -v
$ node -v
$ yarn -v
$ git --version

Now, let’s start the Phoenix’s development server - and start hacking!

Configuring Ecto again

Now Phoenix application should access the database from the container, not from the host machine. So, Ecto section should be configured again:

# ./config/dev.exs

config :vscode_remote, VscodeRemote.Repo,
  username: "postgres",
  password: "postgres",
  hostname: "postgres", # this hostname will be resolved within network
  # created by docker compose
  port: 5432, # port is changed - because 15432 is visible ONLY on host
  show_sensitive_data_on_connection_error: true,
  pool_size: 10


To ensure that everything is coupled, let’s run some migrations:

$ mix ecto.reset

And we are ready to fly!

$ iex -S mix phx.server

Navigate a browser on the host to see the welcome page. Congratulations!

Phoenix welcome page

VSCode for some more comfort

DISCLAIMER: VSCode remote is in early access now, and can change it’s config and API right now - while you are reading this post. It’s a very big chance, that you’ll need to adjust the next instructions by yourself - be ready to do this. NOTICE that you still can use all the previous part, because it is very stable.

We can move on a bit more and configure VSCode to run a containerized development environment for us.

Basically, we should have installed only two extensions:

VSCode insiders initial

As you see, Remote extension adds a small green button in the down-left corner of VSCode. We’ll use it to control our development environments.

Also, we don’t have any Elixir, Phoenix, etc. extensions - because they can use the current installation of different compilers, languages servers, and tools, but we want our development environment to be fully containerized - so we event don’t need Elixir to be installed on our host.


Following these instructions, the process seems to be simple - we just need to define a configuration for Remote extension.

So let’s create ./.devcontainer/devcontainer.json file with some basic config:

    "name": "VSCode Remote",
    "dockerComposeFile": [
    "service": "app",
    "workspaceFolder": "/workspace",
    "shutdownAction": "stopCompose"

For better understanding, what is going on here, you can check the API reference:

  • Giving a name to our environment, so it will be inside the beautiful badge in VSCode interface
  • DockerCompose file path is relative - so it’ prefixed with ../
  • Service specifies the container (from docker-compose.yml), to which the VSCode instance on the host will be bind
  • While the app folder is volumed to /workspace folder, VSCode will be able to run environment right inside the folder
  • DockerCompose will be stopped when the VSCode will be closed.

Try to run the environment, pressing green button and choosing the Reopen folder in Container...

VSCode on remote container

Everything is working… Almost. As you see, we still need to add some extensions inside our containerized VSCode.

Adding extensions

Let’s modify container’s config (./.devcontainer/devcontainer.json):

    "name": "VSCode Remote",
    "dockerComposeFile": [
    "extensions": [
    "service": "app",
    "workspaceFolder": "/workspace",
    "shutdownAction": "stopCompose"

Don’t forget to add ElixirLs artifacts to .gitignore




Now, the container should be rebuilt (in general, all changes in Dockerfile, configuration and etc. should be followed with container rebuilding).

Press magical green button, and choose: Rebuild container...

VSCode on remote container with extensions

As you see, everything is up, and we can start hacking :)


Containerized development environment is very useful, while not mandatory: set it up if you’ll have some free time. You can find a repository that follows this article here

Dmitry Rubinstein

Elixir Developer, Architect and Evangelist. Has more then 5 years in Elixir production development, and half a dozen Hex packages under maintaining